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Author’s guidelines for “Proceedings of the Technical University of Sofia”

All papers which are rejected for publishing in SCOPUS will be published in the “Proceedings of the Technical University of Sofia”. The papers there are indexed in ICI World Journals through CROSSREF, which has a digital identifier DOI /Digital Object Identifier/.

The requirements for the preparation of these papers are on the website of the “Proceedings of the Technical University of Sofia”:

You can download template for the “Proceedings of the Technical University of Sofia” from here:

All submitted full papers will go through a blind review process. After acceptance of the article, at least one author is supposed to register and present the paper physically or virtually.

Only papers which are presented during the conference in person or via video conference will be published.

Only papers with a positive scientific review, designed in accordance with the text and graphic requirements of the publishers, will be included in the conference programme.

Papers that do not meet the textual and graphic requirements will not be reviewed and published!


During the ISCME’25 “ the necessary technical support will be provided.

The presentation of the reports during the sectional meetings should be through a multimedia presentation of up to 10 minutes.

Working languages: Bulgarian and English.

If it is impossible to participate in the sectional meetings in person, the conference paper can be presented online.